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At Village Builders we are about finding practical solutions to help people heal and grow nurturing social connections.

A project started by two friends - Simone and Adam - who are deeply concerned about the growing number of people experiencing loneliness and social isolation, and the impacts on the health and wellbeing of society as a whole.

Image by ameenfahmy

Our Goals

Within the next 6 months we aim to


Understand Needs

To empathize with and more deeply understand people’s needs and barriers around building friendships and social connections through conducting in-depth conversations. 


Gather Stories

Collect first hand stories from people who are experienced at building communities that are centering care and belonging. We are learning from indigenous and modern, place-based, in-person and virtual communities.


Identify Practices

Describe widely applicable village building practices and conditions to build and nurture meaningful social connections.


Build Prototype.

We envision creating a social enterprise offering products and services that support individuals and communities to heal, learn and take action towards building, nurturing and renewing their real life social connections.


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